The environmental costs of "safari selfies"

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Yeah well, I guess there’s a chance, since there isn’t a vast industry behind it with enough money to alter whatever facts it likes…


This wasn’t what Pascal meant when he said “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” but it applies to so much more now that the world population has ballooned and certain people can travel anywhere in a day’s time.


The selfie is the result of a very sad life and lonely human.


I remember seeing a moose and its child from 30 feet away on a weeklong trip to Isle Royale with my parents when I was in 8th grade. It was one of the high points of the entire trip and we felt so lucky to get a chance to photograph the backside of a moose as it headed briskly away from the noisy humans. Back then, there was a motto that my family took very seriously indeed: “take only pictures, leave only footprints.”

When the fucking fuck did that become “take only selfies, leave only traumatized animals”? Sorry, you do not get a cookie from PETA for taking selfies with live animals that you have abducted and terrorized instead of with dead ones that you’ve shot on your safari. You’re still acting like a sociopath and a waste of oxygen.


The weird “selfie culture” has started to get creepy and invasive more and more with social networks based around it. Going out to eat or traveling with friends who primarily use Twitter or Facebook (if anything) is a very different experience than going out with friends who mainly use Instagram; every meal, every social event, every animal in a zoo has to be photographed with themselves in the picture.


People are gross.


It would be pretty fun to take a selfie with Don Trump Jr. strapped to a pole, though. I bet he’d be easy to catch.


Photo-touts using animals to make money is horrible. In Thailand baby gibbons kidnapped from their mothers are dragged round beaches and bars and subjected to flash cameras and humans who may infect them with human diseases. Nocturnal slow lorises are used as photo-props in Asia and these animals in the wild sleep all day. Most animals exploited by beach photographers suffer greatly and die young. Never be photographed with a wild animal. A place in Myrtle Beach SC, USA, uses baby orangutans and tigers and you have to pay a ton of money for your picture.

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Ah, the human animal. All we ever need is a ethically compromised agent to go do the bad stuff and package it for guilt-free sale.

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