The final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation aired today in 1994

I can see that, but I think the idea isn’t as creative as he thinks it is. :grin: A space station is a pretty logical extension of the genre.

I think creative people always overvalue ideas and undervalue implementations. Ideas are worthless. A pair of long-running shows consistently produced to be excellent are priceless.



Hell, the whole reason they passed on the JMS pitch could plausibly be they were already in the early stages of developing DS9.


In JMS’ defence, he was always quite open about the possibility that it was a coincidence and even went so far as to cast Majel Barret in a major guest spot in order to symbolically build bridges between Babylon 5 and Trek fandom.

But when the final DS9 episode came out - a year or two after B5 finished up and featured captain Sisko transcending his physical form in a manner similar but not identical to Sheridan’s final fate in B5 he was very angry and his tone over DS9 soured massively. Not enough that he didn’t pitch a Trek reboot to Paramount a little bit after Enterprise was cancelled, but still.


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