Far from critics' top lists, Voyager dominates Star Trek's most-rewatched episodes

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/09/14/far-from-critics-top-lists.html


It’s soporific! I could fall asleep to those episodes every night for a year.


I actually put on TOS episodes when I take a nap. I’ve seen them all multiple times so it’s just background noise.


might be interesting to get stats from the other services and see how they compare. (Amazon Prime also has these.)

People are idiots, Leslie.

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Janeway or no way.


The io9 article offers slightly more precision:

Netflix counts a “re-watch” as a viewer going back to watch at least 6 minutes of an episode they had already viewed in its entirety

So Endgame is a perfectly reasonable choice: people want to rewatch it for that first hour so they can see what happened to Old Janeway and Old … Forgettable at the culmination of Voyager’s journey. The Gift, with the departure of Kes, also makes some sense in that regard. And Clues would make sense if people want to go back and look for, well, clues. Scorpion, while not necessarily a “good” episode, did have some of the cooler space battles in any of the Trek series.

But then, if any of that reasoning holds, I would probably expect to see Year of Hell (Voyager), or All Good Things (the final episode of TNG) – but maybe the latter just feels sad because the series is ending on such a high note.


Looks like its mostly a list of borg episodes.

  • engage cynicism * Maybe its a list of episodes people nod off during, and replay trying to make it through the whole thing?


Also, Voyager was way better than enterprise, maybe it does well as the most recent series that wasn’t garbage? Sad that it stuck to the episodic structure so heavily rather than going more long form like DS9. It’s concept as a survival story probably would have done better like than with constantly trying to loop back to the steady state every 45 minutes.


I can think of 7 or 9 reasons why this might be the case.


…or the highway!

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Netflix should set its autoplay feature so when a viewer finishes watching the Star Trek: the Next Generation episode “Cause and Effect” it automatically queues the same episode to play again instead of proceeding to the next one in the series.


Netflix should set its autoplay feature so when a viewer finishes watching the Star Trek: the Next Generation episode “Cause and Effect” it automatically queues the same episode to play again instead of proceeding to the next one in the series.


There’s something in that. If I can’t sleep I put on The Matrix for the thousandth time and I’ll be “Zzzzzzzz…” before the end of the end of the interrogation scene.


My wife is that way with Hot Fuzz. And not because she has seen it a thousand times. She actually really enjoys the film, but there is just something about it that trips her sleep sensors. I put it on and before Angel gets to the country she is out.

I enjoy watching a bit of DS9 to go to sleep to myself. I tried TNG (which works amazingly enough, the dulcet tones of Picard lull me to sleep) BUT the closing credits theme seems SUPER LOUD on the netflix mixes that it wakes me up every time.


Well duuh - again underscoring those 7 or 9 reasons why:


It’s difficult to explain but I have kind of a thing for Robert Picardo.


Could it have something to do with the fact no one watched the Voyager series in syndication as a result people are watching it now on NetFlix?

Seriously, this was one of the worst ST franchises for me.

TOS > DS9 > TNG (which were all very very close…sort of 1a, 1b, 1c for me) followed by VOY in a very distant 4th and ENT…well…it was a thing, I guess we have to admit it existed.

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This is like, “Hey, I think this milk has gone bad, try some.” right?


I’m surprised that “The Inner Light” (TNG) didn’t make the top 10. I know for a fact I’m not the only person who re-watches it.


I want a long form recording of the Enterprise engine hum. Best nap-time white noise of all time.