Originally published at: The former president of DuPont trained his pet iguanas to attack | Boing Boing
Killer iguanas, that’s new. You got to give him high points on originality. Sharks, Crocodiles or dobermans are so worn out among the modern villain.
Irénée du Pont may well have been an unrepenting asshole, but I take exception to the description of iguanas as ugly.
I mean just look at this magnificently handsome devil…
Just look at him!
But don’t worry, everybody! Now DuPont is just a harmless corporation owned by many shareholders, There is no way there can be another eccentric, possibly murderous, 1%-er any longer, so you can stop paying attention to us!
Speaking of self-indulgent whims of leadership families of corporations that traffic almost exclusively in environmental vandalism for profit, the wife of Monsanto’s onetime CEO “donated” her mansion to St Louis County and commanded that it be converted into a museum of dog art at taxpayer expense.
And yes they had at least one painting of dogs playing poker.
And yes dogs were welcome in the facility, at least for a while.
Good thing Trump didn’t know about this or he’d have commanded DHS to do this at the Mexican border.
damn. we have enough iggies here to raise an army, but the lazy bastards just lol about in the drive or on the porcch or dock where they just terrorize the cat:
oh! and I totally agree, @Mercenary_Garage , they are not ugly!
Weirdest damn banana I’ve ever seen.
“ He may have been influential in the collaboration of the DuPont conglomerate with German companies and rearmament after the rise of Nazism and well into World War II.[”
Wonder what Castro turned his mansion into?
This is tagged “repitles.” I’m ok with this
Wow, money can buy love, from a lizard no less.
Oops, sorry, got the pictures mixed…this is actually a photo of Irenee du Pont.
Trained Attack Iguana Squad is the name of my Thursday Night bar trivia team.
This is not surprising to anyone who grew up in duPont country. Lots of family conflicts, and the stone/brick walls around some of the duPont family estates in Delaware have glass shards on top. Not to keep out riff-raff as much as to keep out other family members.
(The one duPont I went to school with was several generations away from the rich ones, lived in burbs like the rest of us.)
By barking a command, he could make them all come out of their pens and surround him, standing at attention.
I so want to believe this is true, and I’d also love the Loch Ness Monster to be real.
I believe that he could call a bunch of iguanas with noise for feeding, but training them to attack on command? Not likely.
Did he have a bunch of surly iguanas? Probably. Lots of adult male iguanas are total dicks (seen enough in practice in my time).
Iguanas are plant eaters.
Technically… But like a lot of herbivores, they’re more than happy to nosh on smaller animals when they have a chance. Insects, nestlings, etc…
That doesn’t translate into attacking a large mammal for food though.
A lot of iguanas will bite though (and tail whip), particularly males when they’re feeling hormonal (ever seen a really angry iguana with orange highlights?)
It was an appalling example to the Cubans of the degeneracy of the idle rich.
It is to me too.