Haven’t heard from her in a while…good to know she’s well.
I prefer to interpret the Bible’s statements about the United States literally.
Unlike liberals like Bachmann.
My legal advice* is that you continue attacking and ignoring the judge.
*Not even a make believe lawyer.
Asshole. How about we raise retirement benefits because they’re already laughably inadequate.
Eliminate that limit on social security taxes for rich people and tax people like you fairly.
STFU, Mittens, and start paying your fair share. A-hole probably has paid next to nothing in to SS almost all his ‘working’ life.
Says the person who dropped out of high school to have kids and opposes sex education.
She opposes recognizing transgender or gay people always- not just at certain ages. This statement is just a tactic leading towards eliminating us. It’s not a genuine concern for our welfare or a statement of our capacity to make personal decisions.
I’m sure she thinks the same about decisions to own a gun or join a church.
Lauren, how old were you when you decided you were straight? How old were you when you decided you were a woman? Should we force you to inhabit some “neutral zone” until you are 21? No? Why is that, I wonder?
Her concern for youth is duly noted.
“Boebert was arrested twice in Mesa County in 2015. As first reported by Colorado Newsline, Boebert was detained on June 20, 2015, after a verbal altercation with police at Country Jam, a music festival near Grand Junction. Boebert, then 28 years old, allegedly shouted at people detained on suspicion of underage drinking, urging them to flee from police, which caused the young drinkers to become unruly.
While she was being handcuffed for disorderly conduct, Boebert tried to twist away from police, according to deputies’ reports. She allegedly shouted that her arrest was unconstitutional, that “she had friends at Fox News and that the arrest would be national news.” It did not become national news.“
And more famously- her being present when her husband exposed himself to underage girls.
And she wasn’t even married to him. He exposed himself to underage girls and then she decided he was the man she wanted to marry.
this is the first I’ve heard of this ‘anthem’ (though regrettably probably not the last) and i want to throw up. i hate skynyrd and have always detested their love song to the confederacy about fucking alabama, and i grew up in the south!
JFC, governor Mo’ is just fucking slimy swamp shit what thinks he don’t stink cuz he’s “whaaaaaat”.
And the current Lynyrd Skynyrd is a Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band.
If I wouldn’t listen to it because I’m excited to hear a great song then I refuse to listen to it.
I’ve been taking an RX for a chronic condition for years.
David has probably just learned what Medicare coverage is like. If he buys the most expensive Part D option. Since it doesn’t cover medications.
This sounds like he’s on a biologic - which the pharmaceutical companies charge $6-$7,000 a month for - but you pay that $700 a month after you exhausted your maximum out of pocket of around $6,000 per year.
And if you don’t buy the expensive supplemental plan - or the wrong supplemental plan - it’s not covered at all.