One box cuts off the full title which is: “An evangelical GOP House candidate in Texas wrote a novel about Anne Frank finding Jesus”
"The candidate’s top issues on his website include “Close the Border,” “Eliminate Property Taxes” and his belief that fossil fuels are divinely ordained: “If you believe in a Creator and that everything is here for a purpose, then you have to realize that fossil fuels are not an accident. At the very beginning of time, God knew we would need automation and industry, so in His Wisdom, He gave us the fuels that we would need.”
The “amazing” thing is that life insurance companies had internal guidelines not to give out policies to persons working with asbestos as early as the 1920ies. Asbestosis was recognized as a work related illness in 1938.
And only a bit over half a century later, asbestos was banned! In some countries. Yay!
“I support term limits.” he said “Not for politicians, but for voters. After you vote Democrat two or three times you’re now disqualified from voting,” Elder said.