Thread links to details of the crimes and convictions.
Birds of a feather
or just more rats.
It seems like everyone on the alt-reich has their begging hat out these days.
As I recall, Young America’s Foundation was picking up the tab for Milo’s tours and legal fights.
What a self-pitying crybaby. I love it when these Heroes of the Alt-Right realise their 15-minutes of fame are up and have meltdowns against their own former fans. Jordaddy’s is going to be especially delicious.
Enjoy your ruinous debt, Milo.
ETA: background article. Brave Sir Freeze Peach deleted that pissy little FB post, hence the screenshot.
His whole schtick was grounded in narcissism all the way down.
No surprise really that his fans and funders didn’t see that in him.
If I can ascribe her any amount of forethought I would guess that filling public schools with gun-toting teachers is part of the plan to turn anti-gun people into homeschoolers, and further erode support and hope in the great experiment of public schooling…nah, just quid pro quo with some of the other jagoff money-warshoppers under the Big Tent of antisocial greed.
Soooooo … Wouldn’t that siphon off GOP voters?
Well, yeah, we wouldn’t have this bothersome controversy if that darn maverick hadn’t up and died. Lazy, if you ask me!
Nun nun nun no Nunes. Talk to the hand.
(How can a guy from Ca. be sooo pale?)
Faith Goldy, far-right troll is running for Toronto mayor. Fired from Rebel Media for being too visibly pally with the Charlottesville Nazis. (Discretely pally would have been fine.)
That woman needs to go, ASAP.
I am not the sort to wish evil upon others but this administration really makes me think about changing that point of view.
The pics in the HuffPost piece are gold.