The greatest looping yoyo

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If you’re enjoying loopers, make sure you grab a Duncan Speed Beetle ( )

They’re cheap, so you won’t mind when your nieces steal/break one, yet still offer really solid play.

Imperials are always around but kids take the nicer yoyo, always.

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I have been looking for something to replace my Duncan LimeLight for looping. Not super hardcore when it comes to yoyos (heck, i’m absolutely terrible at string tricks), so i’m looking for something that isn’t too high maintenance like ball bearing ones. It’ll probably end up being a Yomega Fireball or another wood axle like a Proyo.

I’m partial to my Spintastics Tornado for looping (and general pocket yoyo) but also prefer string tricks so go for a Yomega HyperWarp Wing most of the time.

Or my Yomega Xodus if I want to destroy my surroundings!!!

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Now, you see, I’d augment that No.3 axel with a magnesium-silicate self-lubricating ceramic linear bearing, but that’s just me.

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