The guy whose DRM for juice company cratered last year now sells "raw water" packed with all the microbes and amoebas you can stomach

Raw water? I only drink heavy water


Hold on there! That sounds like a scheme to make the people who can afford good water pay for the people who can’t, like it was some entitled human right. And how could a free market for the water industry exist and generate returns for investors when there would only be one set of water pipes from a single supplier?

People should be free to choose their own healthcare schools water providers! /s


Eliminate a threat for just one generation, and people will stop believing in it. Now we have pertussis and measles back in our lives. As the raw water movement takes off, we’ll eventually have sick people from that as well.


“silicone valley”!!! LOLOLOL way to filter out people with a clue. “Silicon” vs “silicone”… [sigh]


Where that’s legal.


Shit… that means the time is ripe for the resurgence of the Cavity Creeps.


We do see a comparison between people who have well water vs. people who have centrally treated tap water. Mostly, the difference is worse teeth for the well water drinkers. Occasionally, in certain areas, you see blue teeth among the well water drinkers. In both cases, the result is due to fluoride - either the lack of, or overabundance.


I feel like if “Juiceroo” had actually been the name of his previous product it might have taken slightly longer to tank. There’s something about words that rhyme with kangaroo that just makes them more endearing.


Waterloo works on a few levels.


This isn’t uncommon where I live. I can think of a handful of roadside springs within a half hour drive where people pull up where there’s a pipe coming out of the ground with fresh spring water continuously flowing out. People pull up, fill their containers, and drive home. The water is tested regularly by the town sewer and water department.


Previously, when commenting on the Juicero silliness, I caught myself several times. I think my brain just has a hard time believing that somebody would go with Juicero over Juiceroo.

That would kill you (if you could afford it). Heavy water is toxic.

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If it is so bad, the guy will die of cholera and dysentery soon, so problem solved.

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Well, I know one small town where this product is going to be very popular.


When I went canoeing, I did get to see water bubbling up from the rocks on places. And there was one area that was super cold and deep and was where a spring was pumping out water.



This has so much wrong, it’s amazing.

Silica is not liquid crystals. No more than salt in water. It’s silicon dioxide, either in solid form or dissolved in water. It could become a quartz crystal or an amorphous solid. i.e. Sand or glass.

Silica, silicone, and silicon are as different from each other as carbon dioxide, plastic, and graphite. Not only does silicone have nothing to do with computers (except rubber parts), but the silica in computer chips is an insulator. Silicon is the semi-conductor and does not hold information or energy in a useful way unless contaminated (doped) with other elements. If it’s a brain upgrade, try munching on some GaAs (a far superior chip material) and see what happens.

Silicon Valley is near San Jose, Silicone Valley is part of Los Angeles, and neither one has anything to do with silica except for sand and glass.


“And I thought my hat was ridiculous!”


Ah, one of the ingredients Cobra was looking for in that early GI Joe miniseries, IIRC.


Not just altered molecules! His apparatus is also guaranteed to reduce the amount of DEADLY DEUTERIUM in the water!

ALL DRINKING WATER HAS DEUTERIUM which damages your DNA!! A major CAUSE of Aging and Cancer! Discover Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW) …To produce DDW you have to RE-DISTILL water 60 times($300. fora small bottle!). However, our machines DISTILL AUTOMATICALLY… 100’s of TIMES/GALLON…

Oh, god, not deuterium! Those extra neutrons are so horribly deadly!