The Happy Mutant's Filmgoer's and Video Viewer's Companion

I’ll check OtC. Thx.

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was expecting Laurie Anderson’s name in the credits, I would’ve put money on it.

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I think maybe the cannibal angle isn’t really typical of Anderson’s work… and I think, even her earliest stuff musically is more, maybe put together? But it’s got some similar elements to her work, for sure. Something about the zeitgeist, I guess?


I got around to Won’t You Be My Neighbor, the Fred Roger’s doc. Well done, and moving, if a bit hagiographic.

Anyone seen the Tom Hanks vehicle, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood? (I just read they’re related to each other-- huh!)


I must confess that I have never read this comic book, although I have always seen it in bookstores and on websites specialized in comic books. My brother said I should watch it, as He considers the material very good. Then okay, I will give it a chance. Oh. Mr. Robert Downey Jr. Is the producer.


OtC is on its way (via Amazon). We watched IFD last night and there’s no way I can clearly describe how it hit me. Yes, it’s the best of the three, but I had forgotten that I’d actually watched IFD (titled The Fabulous World of Jules Verne) when it was first making its way through the US. I was five years old and I must have been glued to it back then because watching it last night brought it all back… especially the music (composed by – and here’s the kicker – my favorite European film composer, Zdenek Liska), and especially what was beautifully scored for the ‘telegraphed warning to the world" scene (big bells’ peals mimicked using what must have been several pianos! with the memory of that hitting me with a one-two punch) and the ‘giant squid scene’ (very dream-like). I know Liska’s animation scoring work very well so I’m positive he also provided most if not all of the sound effects; he’s known for using electric organs and electronic devices along with more traditional instruments. Anyway, I geeked out seeing it all again. (BTW: Did you notice how the little girl protectively cuddling the baby chicks referenced Jan (saved from the Amelie) when she freed her doves during the sinking!?)

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not new by any means, but just came on to the streaming radar for me. really liked the style of animation art in each short.
definitely enjoyed all three stories in this anthology:


Try this one too. The quality of the shorts is a little uneven, but I’m sure you will like two of them.


I am so happy you enjoyed/rediscovered that movie. I love it when a recommendation goes well.

I remember seeing stills from a bunch of Karel Zeman films in books on SF/Fantasy films as a kid. Didn’t register with me until recently when a pair of film blogs went into detail about his movies. (Teleport-City and The Cultural Gutter) so I sought them out. I was smitten.


I’d seen a great TED talk by Temple Grandin, finally decided to see the movie. It’s good!

Made me wonder if there’s a good more general compendium on the contributions of people with autism.


I’ve had that one since it came out and have watched it a few times. It’s one of the better true-life ‘triumph-over-adversity’ films and manages to squeeze in lighter moments (ex: Temple’s reaction to the Arizona heat when she gets off the plane.)

Re a general compendium, wiki has a short list of diagnosed individuals and possibilities. I’d think that a reasonably inclusive list may be difficult to pull together. Looking across the spectrum, high functioning aspergers would most likely make notable contributions, but there’d be fewer of them… and I’ll bet many high functioning aspergers are able to function without being diagnosed or even suspected, just under the radar and doing well. I suspect I’ve met a couple over the years at work.


Late to the party, but this film was so great:


Just watched Pusher a 1996 fairly low budget Danish gangster film noir (neon noir again) which was suitably violent and nasty. It ratcheted up the doom effectively but I don’t think I will watch the other two. Not my scene (I had planned l’avventura but one version had timing issues and the other had subtitle issues. I did look up the filming and it sounded like the links to James Cameron’s The Abyss put up here last week. Only without any money and far more rats and no food).

ETA should mention that Pusher wasn’t just Winding Refn’s first film but also Kim Bosnia who has cornered the teddy bear looking guy in a horrible violent milieu market and Made Mikkelsen’s first films so it certainly had impact.

Recently watched

Which was fun. A socialist revolution happens in the future (for 1980) but the revolution doesn’t deliver for women, queer people, Black people and a women’s army, black lesbian led revolutionary movement strikes back. Featured Kathryn Bigelow as one of the editors of the revolutionary state’s newspaper which initially views the womens army as a stunt but gradually becomes disaffected and joins in. Which I can’t see Bigelow doing though I did read of Avant Garde leanings when I was reading up on James Cameron (who I always thought of as a fairly straightforward pig to be honest) and his dangerous abuse on set in the deep last week.

All presented through news and surveillance and agitprop if you like that sort of thing.

And you wouldn’t have made it this far if you didn’t so do yourself a favour and watch it then.

Fucking autocorrect agitprop is a thing, shit prop isn’t.


Thanks, where did you see Born in Flames?

I’ve been watching Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect, great stuff.


Kanopy and the Criterion Channel have it. I also highly recommend it, although it’s sad to learn, from the CC extras I think it was, that she basically disowns all of her other work, except Working Girls. Producer interference and such.


I watched it on Mubi as Criterion isn’t available in Europe and I don’t think public libraries have Kanopy here.

Also sad that it’s a slim body of work after those two as well. Most of which is as a gun for hire on TV.

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Doctor Who Dog GIF by BBC America