The happy tale of how a giant pumpkin landed at Children's Fairyland

Originally published at: The happy tale of how a giant pumpkin landed at Children's Fairyland | Boing Boing


Those giant pumpkins are awesome, but invariably flatten out quite a bit under their own weight as they grow. I wonder if growing one on a special surface like a waterbed that can provide support while also conforming more to the pumpkin’s shape would allow a pumpkin to grow equally large while getting a bit rounder?


There is always money in the pumpkin stand.


I wonder where the name Pumpkin McPumpkinface is currently sitting in the standings?

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As a person born on Halloween, I know the wonder and joy this giant will give to all children. :jack_o_lantern:
BtW a bet the seeds from this squash are worth a bunch. $$$$

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Given the locale I say the decision should go to Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater’s wife. She’s the one who’s going to have to live in the thing.

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So, the espresso pumpkin is “Peter’s Big Pumpkin” and, I guess, she lives in there…???

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The grower is coming back for the seeds (unless critters get them first)!


Amazingly, no one has entered that yet!


So I guess this new pumpkin is an in-law unit?


episode 1 house GIF


This is so cool. There’s been some real excitement at the weigh offs this year, as well as extremely unfortunate incidents. If any of the skin of the pumpkin is penetrated, it may be considered ineligible for the weighoffs. (one could theoretically inject something to add to the weight). I don’t have follow up on this one - it is possible if this was from a small folding pocket knife that it didn’t penetrate to the interior. I hope the judges accepted it, perhaps with a provision that they dissect the pumpkin after weighing and before confirming.

This wouldn’t necessarily been the record setter. Mike Shmit, however, could have snagged the official North American all time record. He has kept a great attitude about his disqualifications in 2021 and is already dusting himself off. Because of disqualifying he may have more seeds to sell/give out and those will be highly sought after.

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That’s wild!!

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