Originally published at: The high-stress world of weather prediction takes its toll on Canada's "Fred la Marmotte" | Boing Boing
Adieu, Fred. Thinking about him and Staten Island Chuck is making me wonder about how they’re treating Phil after today’s forecast.
So if he did not see his shadow… but he did not NOT see his shadow… because he’s DEAD… does that mean we get neither winter nor spring, but we simply fall into the endless void???
I mean, we already have been because (waves at pandemic world), just confirming…
This mystery deserves more digging.
so wait, that means there’s been TWO deaths of canadian animal prognosticators? CONSPIRACY!
…or a serial killer
Three if you count the Wiarton Willie who died in 1999. The official story was that he accidentally fell out of his burrow.
It could be worse.
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