The hypnotic, kinetic wind sculptures of Anthony Howe


Cool. Some of these look like Julia sets unfolding.

Whoa… by pure coincidence I’ve been looking at his work a lot as inspiration lately, and this post made me realize he lives in an exact destination of mine for a vacation in June. Totally going to look into stopping by his studio!

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Cool beans!

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Cool now I know who did those. I for sure have been by the 3rd pictured one multiple times but forget where it is now.

Holy Ctenophore, Batman!

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My first thought was to boat up there and check it out, but from his webpage:

“The gallery and sculpture park are completely CLOSED!”

I’m sure he gets lots of people wanting to check it out and experience these things in person, but doesn’t feel like running a tourist attraction. Worth asking,though, if you’re turning out work that would interest him.

Ahhh, I missed that line on his site. Bummer, but I bet you’re right about the attention his stuff gets, just chatting with the guy about his approach would be enough for me. I may shoot him an email at some point just to try…

I’m definitely not turning out any work yet but it keenly interests me. I’m in the midst of designing a much less cooler looking tabletop sculpture that is mostly laser cut and much more straightforward.

Good luck! Kinetic sculpture is tricky to pull off, but it’s great when it works (as this guy’s pieces show). Keep at it and you’ll end up with something great.

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