Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/31/johndelaney-faces.html
Lack of upgrades to their CGI?
i can’t place what it is about him. Can someone be EXTRA bald? Like, actually stealing hair from anyone standing too close?
Dorf on Politics.
I was thinking Mr. Peterson (from the Bob Newhart show) but that works too…
Do you think he’s playing his gif game as hard as Hillary did with the balloons?Otherwise he’d be quite forgettable
Great start, but he has a way to go to beat this guy.
and his campaign claims he got a surge of donations – my advice to him is pack your bag and go home.
Let’s see: before Delaney was a banker, he ran a health insurance company. What’s not to like about this in a Democratic candidate?
There’s always the possibility that these donations come from opponents of the democrats who are looking to continue the clown-car primary as long as possible…
The facial reactions out of context are pretty amusing. I don’t know much about the guy but my gut reaction is that he has no chill
This is what you call a schmuck.
I don’t really have a better word for him, I watched the debate and he just strikes me as a massive and cowardly tool. He has no spine in anything he says and constantly looks like he’s trying to get out of trouble for something.
I trust him about as far as I can flush him. His only purpose in life is to make everyone around him seem more qualified than him.
On the plus side, he has more expressions than Tim Ryan, who only has “angry goldfish”.
John Delaney is a wart that’s read Ayn Rand. Fuck him sideways with Lee Atwater’s dead dick…
Some lizard people just can’t handle the hot spotlight, ironically.
The best face was Elizabeth Warren’s when the moderator pointed out that Delaney would be subject to her proposed wealth tax:
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