Originally published at: The Mojave phone booth was a lone telephone that stood 12 miles from the nearest paved road in California's Mojave National Preserve | Boing Boing
99 Percent Invisible did a great episode about the Mojave phone booth.
Volcanic cinder.
If you look at that location on street view you get an interesting shot of some geezers changing a wotzit on their SUV
At the risk of sounding like Ruth Gordon, inquiring of George Segal, where’s Papa? He should be here for Mojave stuff.
Here’s another Mojave man:
Telephone, telephone
Like a plastic-horned
The site is begging for a box with a phone bell that would ring once very infrequently, hidden a good distance away so that it could just be heard from that spot if it’s quiet.
Damn, that thing must be hot as hell in the daytime.
I’m betting, though, that the phone company didn’t want to pay good money to remove the phone lines - which makes it possible that someone could find the line and install a phone again
To lure out Telefonmann?
You just never know where you might be when you need out of the matrix.
I used that line when calling mom to pick me up from work
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