The most mindblowing photograph to emerge from the Nevada BLM/white militia standoff

albill, do you mean white crazies with guns like Randy Weaver and David Koresh?

(edited because limited to 3 posts on one topic) -

albill - plenty of examples of (your label) ‘crazy whites with guns’ : here is a more current one - it took me all of 5 seconds to find a several to choose from.

As I stated in an earlier post, if the rifleman in question had been spotted in the act of appearing to aim a rifle at Federal LEO, he would be dead, so he didn’t ‘get’ a pass, he got lucky. As for being armed, as long as the protesters are otherwise being lawful, they aren’t subject to being detained or arrested. Do you have a beef with the unarmed civilians that walked up onto position held by well armed, armored and trained federal agents and contractors?

Since editing one post over again is a chore, I leave you to your angry, race based based comments. Cheers, and enjoy the last word, if you choose to exercise it.

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Angle was referencing the color (black) of some highschool football jerseys, not skin color.

I’m not saying you’re implying the latter, just clearing it up for readers who might misunderstand :smile:

And not that the quote being simply about football jerseys makes the whole deal any less goofy

Yes, two incidents in 30 years don’t exactly prove me wrong, do they?

I tell you what, if a bunch of young Latino or Black men from here in Oakland were pointing rifles at SWAT like that, how long do you think they’d last? Long enough for a photo op and a write up about standing up to the evil Federal government? More likely, they’d be shot immediately and then publicly castigated in the media as violent gang members.


The militia guys aren’t farmers/ranchers. Actual ranchers are pissed at this guy for basically stealing land they could be using, and/or not paying for his grazing lease like they do.


Oh, and last I checked, whether he “deserved it” or not, Weaver was taking pot shots back during the standoff.


Exactly! No True Rancher would act like that…


I’ve lived in the US for 7 years now, and I still can’t understand how this country works. Outside of the big liberal cities, everything still seems utterly alien to me (as someone brought up in a quiet village in the Tory shires). I work with intelligent people that will go off on anti-federal rants that scare the crap out of me, the whole concept of the militia worries me tremendously and I can’t understand the desire to own firearms. I work with several people that wouldn’t surprise me if they went postal. Places/events like Waco are just fucking weird. I can’t process them. The level of anger some people have towards the Federal government just baffles me.

I know every country has urban/rural differences but the USA seems to suffer from an irreconcilable schizophrenic split. The three cities over here that I know best are Seattle, Savannah and Waco - I find it hard to believe that they are in the same country at all.



True, but I should have used, Sharron “Second Amendement remedies” Angle.


Given the context, If you’re looking for a real attention-getter (on the longish side), how about Sharron ‘‘the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out’’ Angle


He could have been using his sights! Happy now?
I hate liberal pedants!

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with similar mosin nagant, iron sights, bolt action, no ‘high capacity’ magazines, Simo Haya served as sniper, with 505 confirmed kills, 25 in ONE DAY. A good shooter does not need all the fancy rubbish to shoot effectively. And enacting more and more laws about “scary looking guns” does not change that fact.


What happened to all these nice fellows later? Oh yeah, many of them were illegally executed by the cops in following years after pulling this stunt (and California gun laws were changed).


You seem to be moving the finish line on me a bit, don’t you think?

That would need for you to take action against him before he takes the gun and points it at someone, before he takes the gun out of his house, before he takes the gun out of the gun locker and before he tells anyone what he intends to do.


But what is he using his sights for? A scope magnifies the image, that makes sense. Iron sights do nothing to help one see, they only assist in aiming the gun.

Hate all you want, but there’s no excuse to be pointing this gun at a group of people.


Given the fact that none of the gentlemen in the photo are actually aiming the weapons at LEOs, you may have moved it first.


It’s like Ukraine. The actual identity of the men with guns doesn’t matter; only that they’re there to impose a new order.


I’ve lived here my whole life and I can’t understand how it works either. I’ve never had an urge to own a firearm and militias only made sense when we didn’t have a standing army of thousands who use tanks and jets.


And in the “mind-blowing photo” which is the subject of this thread, who, exactly, is the horiontal gentleman aiming his gun at?

If you don’t know, then the original analogy is meaningless…