The Notorious RBG is cancer free and will return to the Supreme Court

So - you’re against her?


She should have retired shortly after one of Obama’s electoral victories. Period.

The inability of an aging liberal judge to pass the torch to a new generation, especially during our era of relentlessly power hungry republicans, is arrogent and irresponsible.

Her accomplishments are greater than mine will ever be. She is an amazing human being. I just wish acceptance of the inevitable factored into her thinking, because we now could be stuck with another middle aged far right lunatic dedicating a quarter of a century to undoing her legacy.


You are of course entitled to your own opinion regarding when older people are of no value and should be sent to the farm along with the puppy.


She was working the day OF her surgery to remove a lobe of her lung.


Funny how no one is saying Stephen Breyer should have submitted his resignation then. He’s now 7 years older than when RBG was when Obama took office.


Oh, but that’s different, he’s a man! :wink:


Penii have special longevity genes?

Who knew?


It is notable that in the current time, there is so much power vested in just a few people to determine the fate of the world, while the vast majority of people watch in helpless awe. We are essentially living out a superhero story. The Good RBG fighting to prevail over The Evil Cheeto to save the future. Of course I hope Good wins out, but I’m not sure it’s so healthy to have so much power concentrated in the hands of so few, in such an unstable balance.

He should have too. He’s just not possibly dying right now.

She’s been cleared to return to work, presumably… why do you think you know better about her health than her doctors?


We’re all just possibly not dying now. Yourself included.


You’re arguing against something I didn’t say. I speak in terms of the tactical political realities of our less than stellar nomination system, not the potential ability of the person to do their job. I wish she could be there without these consequences, but’s that’s not the world we live in.

That is literally the reason Trump swept the Evangelical vote. No one with an IQ higher than their age actually believes he’s a “Christian” in any meaningful sense of the word, all they care about is that he promised to appoint anti-abortion judges.


I hate to break it to you, but we ALL are “dying right now”, millisecond by millisecond; there’s no predicting when the ‘final moment’ actually comes, and what matters is what we do with the time we have.

RBG seems to be making every moment count; which is more than you can say about most apathetic randos commenting glibly on the internet… many of whom aren’t even half her age yet.

Long story short: being “realistic” pessimistic about her longevity isn’t in any way helpful, and does nothing to advance the conversation.


Which side are you on again?


My personal health isn’t tied to the fate of abortion rights, campaign financing or potentially keeping a criminal president in check.

With great power comes great responsibility.


There’s no tactical brilliance in making such public arguments given the current circumstances.


Some folks just want to watch the world burn, they say.

Not just that, but there’s an old adage that needs to be revisited it seems:


You haven’t answered the question.

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Judges aren’t supposed to base their actions on the current political environment. RBG’s job is to make rulings in line with her interpretation of the Constitution for as long as she is willing and able to effectively do so.

Her job does not mean she is responsible for timing her retirement to ensure it comes at the time most advantageous to a particular political party or agenda. Preventing a madman from being in a position to choose the next SCOTUS appointee isn’t her responsibility, it’s ours.