The Olympics are profitable for every host city (that lies about the numbers)

I don’t know if Vancouver made money on the 2010 olympics, but we certainly got a lot out of it. A new subway line, a bunch of new community centers with fantastic skating rinks. New ski slopes. All of this will last for many years. If we forget about a little property fiasco in the Olympic village, I’d say we got more out of it than we put in.


I love the Olympics (not sure why, as I mostly don’t care that much about sports when it’s not Olympics time), but the coverage is terrible. I will never stop griping about the time I was watching some horse jumping event, and the camera zoomed in on the rider for a good many seconds, so that you couldn’t see the horse at all, just a lady in a helmet rocking back and forth, and occasionally going up and down. WTF.

And I never again want to hear, “And so-and-so’s Olympic dream . . . is over.”


I’d say you probably aren’t fully aware of what was put in.

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