they were just joking, your honor
This sure sounds like a threat being made against the President-Elect to me…
Wow, this flood of bans almost feels like someone on the Hill gave Jack a personal phone call and reminded him who would be in charge in 12 days…
This will haunt this guy for the rest of his life.
Probably not as much as the scars he probably got from the beating that fence gave him on the way down.
That was fabulous; thank you.
True. Almost felt bad for him. Play stupid games, though.
Harsh, but hilarious!
I don’t understand what the journalist gets by not burning this person as a source. It’s not like they’ll matter in another 12 days.
Wow! What was their first clue?
Now if Biden’s FCC will just kick him off the radio
A cult group feeding lies to a cult group.
I could just repost parlertakes all day
For this gallery, I nominate every GOP state AG.
No. I wasn’t wrong. I always understood him as a fascist.