The origins of the shonen genre predate manga

Originally published at: The origins of the shonen genre predate manga | Boing Boing


I have a funny ha ha. I have been trying to learn Japanese language, I have taken to the anime shorts [insta/internet] that help enunciate/pronounce & proper placement of the word, they are very entertaining and at the same time I’m learning a new language in my 60’s. Please don’t test me yet, I can barely speak/write English…


High Five League Of Legends GIF by HyperX

I am trying to learn Irish, so… Are you using Duolingo?


Please tell me this is one of the first phrases you learned:


Crusader Kings III now makes reference to duolingo

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No, I’m just at the start with several anime tutorials that my Son sends my way. We thought it would be a good way to keep up on our communications with each other, and it’s fun too. Will give Duolingo a try, and thank you for the tip…

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It’s a good program (at least for the Irish)… Good luck with the language learnin’!


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