Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/24/the-pandas-in-this-chinese-ani.html
Except they don’t really look like pandas; they looked like dyed dogs.I mean, I can see what he’s going for, but the body types are just too different.
And those dogs are actually two raccoons in costume.
and inside the racoon costume?
You guessed it, DOGS!
This trend is actually spreading. There’s a zoo in China that has nothing in it but one small dog.
It’s a shit zoo.
Beaten to the obvious joke again, Dammit!
One customer said, “We knew they weren’t pandas when two of them started boning.”
Reminds me of the Tijuana zebras.
The pandas in this Chinese animal cafe are actually dogs
This is a probably better for everyone involved, including actual pandas.
Anyone worried that this place will inspire others to dye their pets, but maybe using a cheaper, more toxic type of dye…
Is by definition a concern troll. At least, the way Ive seen the term used.
Well if they can’t get Americans to care about HUMAN rights violations, then just start messing with puppies!
Assholes exploiting the vulnerable for a quick buck yuan.
So they’re just panda-ing for attention?
One advice I received once from a old Chinese lady in Shanghai, China.
“If you want to get a rabbit on the market, ask to see it with the skin, if not, you will end with a cat”
It was 5 years ago.
I’m surprised at the label on the harness; it seems like the last thing the owner would want would be for folks to rub it.
In German, cats have been colloquially called “roof rabbits” for centuries because of this.