Originally published at: The Peephole Cinema is a literal hole in the wall that plays silent movies in San Francisco | Boing Boing
Ahhh yes. I remember the good old days in America when one could support a spouse, a household, and send their children to college off of my Peephole Scrubber job. Good days they were, scrubbing peepholes large and small… fair amount of pink eye, but those were the risks us real Americans were willing to take!
I do love how many cool allies San Francisco has. Alleys too.
That is a pretty neat glory, I mean “peep” hole.
I once had a vaguely similar thought for a permanent installation, but I learned that color slide film lasts a surprisingly short time (days) when you shine light through it, which nixed the idea. I believe B&W film lasts indefinitely though, so it’s a good fit for silent movies.
I think Peephole has been closed since the pandemic started, but it might be up and running again sometime soon.
Here’s some video from Peephole Cinema if anyone wants to get an idea of what the experience is like https://twitter.com/DocPop/status/741800103405490176
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