The Pink Angels: 1971 movie about gay bikers

Originally published at: The Pink Angels: 1971 movie about gay bikers | Boing Boing


This is begging for someone to use the footage of this film to make a new music video to My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult’s - Sex on Wheels.

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i’ve never heard of this, but now i gotta see it. a size TEN? man, boys were so skinny in the 70s!


It looks like a real mess of a movie, but “They rode a lonely road marked ‘Detour’ through a straight world” is a worthy quote, I must admit.


Gay biker groups were kind of a big thing and an important aspect of the development of modern LBGTIA+ communities and more or less founded the leather community. Its a whole thing and its both fascinating and hard to find much in the way of solid information about.


Queer road trip movies are awesome

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