The Power Donut

The European perspective:

(beware my mad photoshop skillz)


I did it on purpose.

Yellow is a very classy color

I’m not that old! :stuck_out_tongue:

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More of a “crock” ring I suspect. :laughing:

Depends who’s wearing it, could be a Tunapiece.



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Mmm, yes, I see what you meme there…

I would respond with a pic, but you’d feel compelled to wash your eyes with bleach.

“Goatse can you see?
By the dawn’s early blight…”

Where do the various parties who are part of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists fit on there (The Republican Party is a regional partner/associate member)? Or Front National and Lega Nord?

I marked the spot in the original picture:


Eh, this is the real power doughnut:



A common complaint is that one side or another or both is being too ideological to get anything done, but I believe that our politicians, as a reflection of their voters, aren’t nearly ideological enough. My dream election would have been Sanders v. Paul. Paul was maybe only libertarian-ish, but it would be great to see an actual socialist and libertarian have it out.

I was too young at the time, but in my head I imagine that the last election where the candidates really stood for something was Carter v Reagan.

Now we get candidates that triangulate some set of issues that form nothing anywhere near a coherent philosophy of governance.

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As @lolipop_jones mentioned, it would have been interesting to see how Boingers would have responded to Clinton vs. Paul.

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I came here to say something similar. The Overton Window pushes the donut Right…

And your Photoshop beats my GiMP skills :slight_smile:

Put more “and morons” all over the area and it will be more realistic.

Wrong kind of power.

What about this?


In addition to going right, I think it’s gone up a lot. Both parties are very authoritarian.


Buncha morans.

Here are a whole buncha morans.

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Its funny that I SAID it should be to the right of the word right. I’ll translate this since you clearly cannot comprehend the half truth half joke that those people who are to the RIGHT of the actual RIGHT are in fact morons. Additionally, me insinuating that those to the right of the right are morons does not mean no morons exist anywhere else. Just because I did not make it all inclusive doesn’t mean I excluded entirely.

All pine trees are trees, doesn’t mean other trees aren’t also trees.

But you know what. Nevermind…go ahead and act all self righteous and label the comment as “knee-jerk tribalism” as if my comment on a blog post on BB provides in-depth insight to my state of mind and political affiliations.