The psychic con game

In the video, the religious person is basically saying “Hey, you have to let me kill my child” (by using spiritualism rather than medicine to treat illness). I guarantee you that same person is against abortion and would want the full weight of the secular government enforcing such a ban. (And, of course, they’ll see no dissonance between their murdering their own child, while intruding on another person’s decision to a terminate a 6-week pregnancy.)



Nobody said they all had to be your fingers…


Ooh! I’m psychic. The answer is one! (and I can even tell you which one!)


Christmas party is on fire this year.



Ryan Gosling Reaction GIF


Of course, the lottery question is based on the assumption of an immutable timeline without any kind of random uncertainty.

Flip a coin, there’s a 50/50 chance it will come up heads. If you go back in time 30 seconds, is that same result guaranteed, or is there still only a 50/50 chance?

Imagine that you could legitimately see one minute into the future- In the first case, where the timeline is fixed, you could predict the result to be the same as it was the first time you flipped the coin. In the second, where the future can still be changed by random events, you would instead see both possible outcomes and your prediction would have a 50% chance of being right.

Write down a number on a piece of paper, seal it in an envelope, and there are two possible futures to predict: One where the envelope contains that number, and one where the envelope is never opened. Predicting the number inside is easy- just ignore the future where you don’t open the envelope.

Randomly shuffle a deck of cards, though, and there are 52 possible futures*- Predicting which card will come up first means guessing which 51 of them to ignore, and is stil one chance in 52 . So even if you could see into the future, your odds of picking the correct lottery numbers would be exactly the same as if you couldn’t.

Anyway, that’s why I can’t get back to my own timeline. You guys survived the singularity, so I honestly have no idea what happens next.

*Technically, there are 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 possible futures, but we’re only concerned with that first card, not the order of the other 51 in the deck. Each additional card you try to predict gets exponentially more lost in the noise.


All psychic prediction of the future are. The math is just more obvious when it comes to the lottery. Butterfly effect and all that.


There are a number of psychics that popped up in my town the last few years. You don’t see many people going into the properties, which are large old houses and are really well maintained by landscaping crews. I am convinced that part of the psychic grift is money laundering.


Star Trek Ok GIF


it’s so weird that both nixon and reagan brought psychics into the white house for help.

i like this bit about jeane dixon:

Her forecasts grew so unreliable that one of her most prominent clients, astrology buff Nancy Reagan, concluded that Dixon had lost her powers and shifted to a rival astrologer, Joan Quigley, who provided advice while she and her husband were in the White House

i guess when you predict ww3 and it doesn’t happen, people lose faith. ( but honestly. would they have rather it did happen?? )


You’ve not met Republicans?


If true, then every psychic should be punched in the nose. “You had your choice of futures, and you picked this one?!?”

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