I’m just sad that Tevis isn’t around to reap the rewards for his novel. Still one of my favorite books. Have yet to see the adaptation.
Or the inevitable “making of”?
I hope you don’t mean any disrespect to Alan Dean Foster! He was certainly insanely prolific, but for a guy who has written a hundred-ish novels, I’ve never picked one up and been disappointed by it – they promise a certain amount – a straightforward, well written, reasonably plotted story – and they deliver. Every damned time.
Steve Jackson Games made a gurps supplement out if it
Some writers don’t get writer’s block.
Thanks for explaining. Otherwise I wouldn’t have understood that obscure word. I guess that’s why I’m not a billionaire. I just lack the education and the awareness what normal people know and don’t know.
Among the hysterical things about this is the notion that thinking only three moves ahead will put you on par with a chess master.
Also this book does what this game purports to do, minus the physical board.
I know you won’t respond, but which Gambit?
The one who used to hang around with Steed and Purdy in the REAL New Avengers.
Which is hilarious because that book wasn’t written by Bobby Fischer or even had his involvement.
Try this one.
The two books are intended for very different audiences. Like the game, Bobby Fisher Teaches Chess (regardless of author) is intended to improve a basic player’s skills.
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