Originally published at: The Republicans Trump hates most are out-fundraising his handpicked QOP cronies | Boing Boing
I read Orange Menace as Ogre Menace initially and didn’t even question it.
That is a good sign. I don’t think they have proven that spending guarantees wins, but it is a good indicator, as people are less likely to spend money on someone they don’t think has a chance.
Pretty sure it is the top leading indicator.
It could be that all the most fervent Trumpers are just tapped out at this point-- I did one of the Trump polls at his site a couple years ago using a fake email, and that email still gets pushy almost condescending appeals for money, at least one a day.
It is Biden’s fault the economy is so bad people can’t afford Trump’s phony fundraising!
How long until the media catches on and starts to report about it as a main narrative?
They report so much about how people go along with TFG because it’s “Party over Country” or “Politics to get reelected”. But, from this, is sounds like its both lazy reporting and lazy politics. That not going along with TFG can actually be a better path to reelection.
My bet is that it’ll take forever to never before the reporting shifts. The reporting about doing things people don’t like “to get reelected” is just to easy for reporters. Despite that not doing things people want should be an obstacle to getting reelected.
The company I work for has been doing a lot of phishing tests, and one of the things they consistently call out are very short timelines trying to force you to react without thinking as one of the key signs of a phishing campaign. Seeing that in your “donor” email just enforces (to me) that this is at least partially a money grab / scheme, if not the entire point of the emails.
“…before we move on to the next Patriot on our list…”
Gimme a break.
Bwhahaha. I love these ads. They are so slimy and gimmick it really is like an IQ test.
wow. what a lazy email. the names aren’t sorted by dollar amount, it’s just random. and worse “your name” isn’t the person’s name. like how hard is that?
it is kinda funny that his top donors can’t give him even 200 bucks. i thought they were all winners but sandy’s got only 6 bucks to give? even omar could only afford 70. sad. sad.
Donor lists are a virus. My politics are center-right (although I deregistered as a Republican a few years back), but I had only ever given money to a few Dems, and that in the mostly pre-email days. Anyway, I gave a couple of hundred bucks to a friend from law school who was running as a D in an upstate NY house seat (he lost, but did better than previous D candidates). And to this day – 10 years on – I am constantly getting emails from D House candidates. All because I gave $200 or so 10 years ago…
My fake email is cited as a “donor” and I never gave them a cent.
this is also the same for any charity you may donate to. they will drop your name only when threatened with legal action, i swear.
Omar? José? In your dreams, merkin von bankrupt.
Grifters gonna grift.
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