The rise and fall of Theranos

I’m pretty sure that “Theranos” is the best possible answer to the question “What would the Countess Bathory do if she found herself in a present-day environment without titled nobility?”.

Seriously, it’s perfect: the CEO is all youthful cult of personality until you hit the wall of domineering secrecy(also unnaturally pale, always dressed in black, and seems likely to be able to cross back and forth between hot and scary as keeping her thralls in line requires), the business is industrial-scale blood harvest and occult machinery operating on principles unknown to science; and the board is light on scientific talent but stocked with the warlocks and liches of American power (Henry Kissinger, a couple of other former cabinet-levels, some generals, a representative from Bechtel, one from General Dynamics, a Rockefeller Foundation connection for the conspiracy cred; and almost no MDs or PhDs that don’t also work for Theranos…).

Even if reality is just too lame to accomodate my vision; this is crying out for a TV series. It would be awesome.