The secret history of science fiction's women writers: The Future is Female!

But what about the BORING ones? You forgot about the BORING heterosexual males!

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Well, yes. The feeling of creeping alienation you feel when you are told the future excludes you, on purpose, is part of the point of the slogan. It’s a feature, not a bug.

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“Boring heterosexual males still exist.”

  • Bernel. 2018.

If it said “the future is ALSO female” would that be better?

It doesn’t say “the future is ONLY female”

SEE ALSO: black lives matter


It would also be a very different slogan. ‘Is’ implies exclusivity in a way ‘matters’ does not. I mean if someone wrote ‘the future is white,’ people would surely find that distasteful even though, if the also reading is the default, it is a relatively unobjectionable statement.

The slogan is meant to exclude and cause discomfort and consternation. This isn’t the only thing it is meant to do, but it is a big part of it.

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I heartily approve of this.


I don’t know, the natural grace of the cat does seem a tad… compromised in zero-G.

(Poor things.)


(Warning: links NSFW)

While I agree with what you say in general, I would consider trans women to be female on the same grounds that people with Sywer Syndrome and CAIS are accepted as female.


Thanks for sharing that. Learned important new things today!


Good to see my dad’s cuz CL Moore on the list, whose fame was for screenplays rather than for SF. Check the great 1940’s The Big Sleep featuring Bogart. Chandler had a drinking problem and was signed off the film.

I was lucky enough to meet Marion Zimmer Bradley in childhood, when one of her cousins sold furniture with my late father. He would introduce me to any writer who happened to come into the store just outside a college town. . has the SF story she wrote just after that visit.

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Oh man, I finally got around to starting The Big Sleep (novel, not movie) this week. Amazing how well Chandler’s pulpy style holds up.

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