I just got to thinking - in the UK, with David Cameron’s ridikuleless internet filter in operation, we still have the daily rags printing bums and boobies in full colour glory -
The Sun
The Star
The Sport
The Guarniad covered this back in November, and I thought you might like me to share:
The basis being that “parents can keep newspapers away from children”. Not when they’re buying their sweeties at the newsagent’s, love!
There’s a movement to eliminate Page 3, by smart people:
Ol’ DC is too lary of the media shareholders to actually get dirty in this fight. He’s got more leverage over the telecoms firms, which he’s simply using to impress legions of blue-rinse hairdo die-hard conservatives.
When he takes the next step - banning bikinis - you’ll find me marching proudly down Oxford Street in mine.
Sort of - mainland Europe offers more opportunities for a translator, but I also didn’t like the idea of living in the UK in the long term. It’s not just one policy, I just prefer the way that Germany handles things like wealth distribution, government involvement, privacy, etc. I also like being in a city where the public transport has a good amount of coverage and seems to be built on the honour system (I haven’t seen a turnstile or been asked for my ticket in 3 weeks).
Having spent some time in the US, it’s interesting to see how many of the conservative arguments that are made in the US are specifically disproven in Germany - for example, universal healthcare, immigration and a living wage haven’t destroyed the economy. Life isn’t perfect by any means, but countries like Germany shouldn’t exist if you take Fox News seriously.