The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
Thank you, Liebchen.
[Alien Warning: Growing Belief in UFOs Is Dangerous ‘Political Tsunami’ - Newsweek]
[Equivocal Encounters: Alien Visitation Claims as a Societal Problem — King’s College London (]
[Monster VS Aliens - President Scene - Axel F (HD) (]
i love how they are secretly hiding. instead of the “i can see you” hiding that everybody else underground does. aliens can hide, and they do it well. so well, i guess, it’s as if they’re not here at all
Adding to my must watch list.
From the wiki: “The film is a mixed salad of crankery…”
Total stealing “mixed salad of crankery” for either my band or the motto for this decade.