Originally published at: The unnoticed thief: how a man posed as a mannequin to steal jewelry | Boing Boing
The best camouflage is just to stay still. Your eyes will perceive movement faster/better than it perceives a break in patterns. If you half way match your surroundings, such as a mannequin in a store, most people won’t notice at all because your brain is primed to expect to see such a thing. It is on auto pilot more or less and just glosses over the details.
Gotta say, I admire his chutzpah even if he did get caught.
OMG - I haven’t thought of that show in YEARS.
I hope he doesn’t see 10 years for stealing some mall store junk. The three months are probably enough.
To mimic a mannequin you have to stand really still. Anybody paying attention at all will notice your slight movements. I suspect only Marcel Marceau could get away with this.
Two things: some stores hire people to pose in the windows so you don’t have to fool all the passersby, as they would simply assume you were hired to stand there. And the other is that picture shows him leaning in the corner, which makes remaining still a much easier task.
And clearly his skills were sufficient to fool the store’s staff, as he wasn’t caught and removed from the property before committing theft.
Police said that he stood still until “he felt it was safe”
He was frozen solid with fear.
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