The walls have crumbled for Trump

But he will go down, and he knows it. He’s flailing and more and more out of control. But none of that will stop his fall.


Amen and amen. Biggest and only rule when fighting a bully is to punch him in the mouth and then keep swinging and don’t let him breath. Keep up the pressure and watch the panic begin (it already has, BTW)


Yes, but at the high level, if senate republicans vote dogmatically he won’t be removed. This would be the political equivalent of shooting a bear but not killing it IMHO - Trump would definitely take his erratic behavior to 11.



This just assumes a level of self awareness and an ability to parse reality that Trump completely lacks.

He had teams of lawyers quit, and leave him with less capable teams. Like 5 times already. This is like the 4th or 5th turn over in staffing (at his own insistence) that left him with comically unqualified people around him. And the people originally around him were comically unqualified for the most part. He’s had like a dozen of these announcements, including on staffing that just became an embarrassment immediately. And he had to walk back, reverse, or just never address again and hope noone notices. He’s been taunting and blaming things on the GOP “Establishment” since the beginning of his political ambitions. And there’s no reason to think he doesn’t genuinely believe he just “saved” the senate from their fuck ups. All that’s really changed as far as Trump goes is that there are fewer and fewer people around him to point out that he’s wrong.

Trump has spent his entire life doing, and getting away with exactly the sort of sketchy, illegal shit he’s been doing since he got into office. Its what made his name, its what made him rich. Its what his fans celebrated him for. Guys like this don’t get nervous when shit hits the fan because they have no concept of consequences.

The number of stories I’ve heard about rich, connected, powerful men who just casually confess when caught is absurd. And its always because a) it doesn’t occur to them that any of it is wrong and b) they can’t imagine that anyone can do anything about it.

Trump still thinks he can strong man his way out of this. He still thinks things are going his way. Because that’s what he’s always thought.

So this is a nice story. But no part of Trump indicates he’s capable of thinking this way.

They tend to be vastly outnumbered by counter-protesters.


I don’t disagree, but even the republicans have a limit to the fetid bile they will coat themselves with.

And if they don’t, if they insist on riding this shit load to the bottom we’ll happily oblige them nosing the GOP into the ground.


I wouldn’t put it past him to start the third front in our forever war. Do we fight the “troika of tyranny,” pick a side in the Sunni/Shia civil war, or just say screw it and nuke North Korea?

Maybe all three?


I love it, it should be true and I wish it were true… but I’ve learned not to believe too readily in what I wish for when everything in recent history tells me the opposite (the Republicans in the Senate will make ‘harumphing’ noises but will enable him to brazen it out)


This time for Sure!


It’s a nice read, but it’s wishful thinking. Trump and the Republicans know he can’t be removed from office without a two-thirds vote in the Senate, and they also know by the time 2020 rolls around, there won’t be a single un-fucked-with voting machine in the country. Meanwhile, the Senate will keep approving the craziest wingnuts in the country to be judges.

I figure we’re stuck with Trump until at least 2024 – and with this crowd, probably longer than that.


While there is a divide in the GOP between Party Loyalists and Trump Loyalists. A bunch of people who were trying to paint themselves as more of the former than the latter just left, and pretty much from the beginning they’ve acted as a unit. Trump is for all intents and purposes, the head of the Republican Party and so far the whole party is acting as one. Its messy and all the parts don’t neccisarily know what the other parts are up to, or even talking about. But that’s where we stand.

I think you’re right that the Party Loyalists will break at some point. But it isn’t about coating themselves in bile, or holding their nose, or anything like that. These people are fine with this, whether its their preferred direction or not. They do not feel bad, or worry about how all of this reflects on them. Its about whether Trump starts to threaten their hold on power. If its starts to look like backing Trump will take away their hold on power. The Party Loyalists will dump him.

Or more likely its about when they realize backing Trump will push them out. Trump’s “decisive win” was pretty fucking narrow, and looks like a decisive loss but for a few quirks that got him the White House on a technicality. Even he thought he’d lost till the last second. That’s not a particularly strong position to be starting from, and should have indicated to the GOP that backing Trump no matter what was a pretty bad idea. They’re very good at denying reality.


It’s weird that while the democrats constantly bleated “HE’S NOT A DEMOCRAT” when Bernie tried to move the party away from corporate interests, but no Republicans seem to take issue that Trump was a democrat for years, supported abortion, etc.


I still expect him to drop a nuke on either L.A. or Chicago. They’re the places he seems to hate the most.


My thoughts exactly. If anything, it seems to me that even more dopes and patsies have been fooled by his antics. Seriously? Kavanaugh, the caravan, common sense? People actually bought that line, and in large enough numbers to shore up a majority in the Senate. As much as I’d like sanity to prevail, it’s going to take some waking up in the red states, and they just don’t seem to think it’s in their interest to do so.


Right. Just look at when the GOP thru Nixon under the bus. The independent council’s report. If there are indictable acts the GOP has no reason to back him - impeach him or convince him to resign, and they go with Pence.

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He seems to be describing a best case scenario. I am not as optimistic though. I think it is likely that the Republicans will be taking the path set out by Trump even if they do end up cutting their ties to him (which honestly, I doubt will happen). The Republicans are courting fascism and I don’t see any signs that they aren’t going to double down on that. The US could very well be heading into a second civil war. Not a territorial based one with two separate and opposed armies, but a civil war nonetheless.


AAANND, WHAT will you DO if he wins in 2020? More likely than impossible.

Heads will explode I imagine,


That article is long and thoroughly depressing, and so I don’t expect it to get much traction or attention.

I worry a lot nowadays about what happens when things go to shit. Our family would probably never be allowed to leave the country – we don’t have any skills any other nation would value – and I’m not sure how we’ll fare in a post-America hellscape. :confused:


I have come to accept that Democrats can’t impeach anyone, except possibly Democrats; hell, they can’t even dare to use the word publicly. I have come to accept that Republicans can only impeach Democrats, (but have no problem whatever with using the word). This is depressing, because it further underscores that party eclipses constitutional oaths on maintaining checks and balances. And no, third parties are no aid at all - at least not until ranked voting is acceptable on the national level.