The World's largest ball of stamps is in Boys Town, Nebraska

Originally published at: The World's largest ball of stamps is in Boys Town, Nebraska | Boing Boing


The origins of this quirky anomaly date back to 1953, when a group known as the Boys Town Stamp Collecting Club started to consolidate the less-valuable stamps using a golf ball as a base.

Ironically, those turned out to be highly valuable stamps. (No, not really, but I’m amusing myself imagining a heist narrative about stealing the biggest ball of stamps in the world to recover millions of dollars worth of stamps hidden in the middle…)


I’d watch that movie. You could put in all the tropes from heist movies and most of the tropes from action movies. And the McGuffin could be a code or formula for something incredible important written on the back of a stamp to smuggle it out but got mailed with the wrong letter by accident.


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