Originally published at: The world's largest rabbit has been kidnapped | Boing Boing
Well I hope they find his name he went missing from soon…
@thomdunn Re-boing?
A bald man in a green sweater and red tie seen associating with a clever dog wanted for questioning:
At least we know he wasn’t poached to make Welsh Rabbit, cuz that dish in fact contains no rabbit at all.
Joking aside, I do hope he’ll be returned swiftly and reunited with his person
Bunny story…
Anyone remember about 15 years ago when North Korea imported a dozen giant rabbits, assumedly to multiply and feed their people?
Not going so well:
A hare-brained scheme?
Perhaps they should have gone with Guinea Pigs. Prolofic little breeders and some varieties grow quite large.
Australia was afflicted by a rabbit plague, when they were an introduced species by some early settlers, until an amped up virus was more recently released which finally despatched them. But as a youngster we used to eat a lot of “underground mutton”. I was quite partial to battered panned fried rabbit thighs. Num num.
… Cracking CHEESE Grommet… @MattAttac
But if you are going to poach a rabbit perhaps red wine and shallots would be a good start
And they are also tasty when roasted. We ate grilled roasted cuy when I was in the Andes. They take a lot of effort, though—not a great deal of meat.
ETA: missing word
If your regime can fuck up breeding rabbits, well, I don’t know what to tell you…
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