'There are more important things than living' —TX Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on COVID-19 deaths

…and pro-death penalty. Once the baby is born, the zygote-lovers couldn’t give a shit.


They send their servants out to do the shopping. It’s what rich capitalists have always done.


As will their families. Believe me, I’m aware.

My wife is a worker at a sit-down family restaurant. Her manager doesn’t want to wait until May 10th when our Governor says we will be “soft opening”; he wants to open back up right now. They have no PPE apart from homemade masks and food service gloves. They’ve been doing curbside pickup for the last few weeks where people were calling in their orders and paying over the phone so it was somewhat safe.

Now they will once again have people coming in, maybe with masks but likely without, ordering across a two foot counter, handing money and credit cards to the employees, sitting in the restaurant eating, breathing, coughing, sneezing. I hope that at least they hold off reopening the salad bar, but that’s not likely since it’s one of their big draws and her manager is the way he is.

We can’t stand this rush to get back to normal because we know it will end up killing more people, possibly us. But we aren’t the ones to call the shots. Utter fucking assholes like this GOP clown are.


The Texas Coronavirus Massacre.




He could also fancy himself a Gavrilović too: " Our regiment has been sacrificed for the honor of Belgrade and the motherland. Therefore, you no longer need to worry about your lives: they no longer exist. "

“Dangit we’ve got a quota to fill! They said 60,000 deaths!”


No, we put “I owned the libtards HARD” on their grave markers.
Or maybe just “Died of Hubris”. Yeah, that works.


My wife, kids, and I have the current dubious honour of living in Texas (suburb outside Houston). I wish more than anything you were right Brainspore; however, the level of voter turnout here is beyond disgusting and dismal. Part of it is a colossal failure (if it is on purpose is it a failure?) of the State government to provide the same level of voter interaction you have in a state like CA. You cannot absentee vote here unless disabled, or a few very narrow circumstances. You must have ID to vote. There is no voter information packet provided to citizens like in CA… the list goes on. It is going to be a cold day in hell when it flips. Frankly, I think it will take the deaths of most older Texans before the age tilt tips in favour of younger kids who have an idea about making the right choices.


that flip would be a sheer delight to this texan who has been active enough in politics to join the county party and go to a few state conventions

given how hard the republicans here are fighting to protect in-person voting, it’s hard to attribute any motive more benign than that.


Lt. Governor Patrick is a truly toxic sociopath, but not unlike Mass Murderer Trump, he’s just the idiot who says the quiet parts of policy out loud. His lethal position is supported by most of the oligarchs who control this country. They already think this country has, in their words, too many “useless eaters”.


They don’t understand-- the economy would be screwed either way. If the sickness rate doubles or triples because of no lock down then nobody’s coming into your business anyway, and probably half your employees are out sick.

So, we can have an economic crisis with fewer deaths, or an economic crisis with lots of deaths. Period.

There’s no perfect solution conservatives will like. Opening up economies early will backfire, and Republicans will search around for someone else to blame. I’m gonna guess they’ll be officially blaming witches by the time this is all over.


“Life Unworthy of Life” mixed with “Work Shall Set You Free”

the NAZI chorus to every song they sing.


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Government/capitalists want to reopen business for obvious reasons. But they don’t actually have the power to do it. All they can do is lift the quarantine and hope that we all march off to our workplaces and get back to work as though we’re not at risk of killing ourselves and others.

We can refuse. In fact, we must refuse. General strike. If the governor won’t keep the state shut down, we have to do it ourselves.


Speaking of which…


That may happen !!

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