There's a "100 hour rule" now

This is essentially how coding bootcamps work. Dev Bootcamp, for example, is 4 segments of roughly 150 hours of coding time, (and 50 hours of team skills). Pass all of these gates, and you’re good enough to hired as an entry level web developer.

The success of the bootcamps is less about the education and more about the environment that gets people to work that hard for 12 weeks in a row.


  • phase zero (I don’t completely suck as solving syntax riddles in Ruby and JS)
  • phase one (I don’t completely suck at data structures and algos in Ruby)
  • phase two (I don’t completely suck at MVC web applications)
  • phase three (I don’t completely suck at turning real world product ideas into working code)

None of these are impossible, but it does help to attempt them in a reasonable order.

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The last person I talked to who was hired as a trainee COBOL programmer, a pretty bright guy, they actually let his first bugfix pass to production after he had been there for 6 months (>1000 hours.)

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I think there’s a bunch of old programs we have running here that are COBOLed together.

Huh. Well, at least that alleviates any pressure I feel to learn quickly.

He was being mentored by an experienced COBOL programmer. Do you have that? How critical are these applications? Because if they are line of business, you may not be being paid enough.


I’ve probably done hundreds of hours of javascript coding now. To me, the big difference between having done all the time and not having done it is that I look things up less on google. But I guess I’ve tons of previous hours of coding-in-general and advanced logic so everything just seems like syntax.

What I look up every damn time is “how to link css to html” - copy paste from the first result on google. None of that html tag means anything to me.


Yeah what’s the deal with the clock.

Seems to be from here:

From what I understand, that’s the plan.

I don’t think I can go much further down that path without discussing where I work, which I’d prefer not to do.

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Right now I wish the 100 hour rule was: “Everyone leave humbabella alone for 100 hours”


noted. do I HAVE to disturb you in 99 hours and 58 minutes?



Totally got the return value flipped.

I appreciate the effort, but I was hoping more to be ignored by my boss, co-workers, and children.

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Apologies if you’ve already done this, but here are some very high level tips from someone who has bumped into the same issue, but with another instrument.

You’ve already spent a lot of time on this, so you probably are better than you think, but you don’t understand what you know. Or, you don’t know what the “next step” is and you’re comparing yourself to people who have already figured this out and play beautifully (after a warmup and multiple takes).

Playing an instrument is about the fundamentals. You need to figure out what your fundamentals are (strumming? chords? runs? arpeggios?) and practice those simply, regularly. For example, start off each practice with a run through two-octave scales, every note, and play against a metronome. Then, strum I-IV-V progressions for at least the common keys (you can probably skip D#, although this IS practice).

It will probably take you a fair amount of time to do this at first.

Then, if you feel that you’re a beginner, have a beginner song that you play, start to finish, against a metronome.

That’s it. That’s your practice. After that point, you can look at new songs, play favorites, experiment with that capo or slide, whatever. But that’s the beginnings of your practice.

You can mix it up by trying to make the actual practice more musical or interesting. Sometimes, finding a good practice song or etude can work wonders for getting around some mental or physical hurdle, and simply taking a book and opening it up is not a very “fun” way to play music, in my experience, unless you’re already good and looking for a “how to” for that one single song.


60,000? Is that in units of 6 seconds?

The clock:

One Hundred-Hour Days: When Private Contractors Overbill Taxpayers

60k milliseconds

That’s 100 minutes, not 100 hours.

It’s like superman or office space, always off by a decimal point. :smiley:

I respectfully disagree. One doesn’t become a baker by just throwing shit together and seeing what happens. You start with fundamentals and build from there. Once you understand the role of leaveners and pH and yeast and salt, you can vary the parameters of a formula and have some expectation of producing something pleasing.

The same goes for music. You should understand some music theory, have a sense of rhythm and know basics about your instrument before you make a sound that is musical. After that point, go ahead and detune your instrument, play random notes and call it your opus.

As a person who has studied shenkarian analysis, theusaurus of scalea and melodic patterns (slondinsky), the encyclopedia of melodic patterns, an autographed version of Harmony from my old prof, and breaking down both bebop, modern jazz, baroque, romantic, and ethnic music…

Fuck scales and arpeggios :smile:

Charles Ives favorite musician was a tone deaf dude that sang at his church. You can make meaningful and beautiful music without needing to know when to define your sevenths, and play ‘cell sized’ alternating chromatics.