Originally published at: These capybara yoga classes will make all of your dreams come true | Boing Boing
wait - they do PENGUIN yoga, too? why are there no videos of this stuff on their site? i must see this!!
Holy shit, this is up in Milton?!?
omg this is gold lol
I might see you there!
FFS. Can’t we just allow animals to be animals rather than involuntary props for our self-absorption
Funny how this accusation is only aimed at things that women tend to enjoy doing, never what men enjoy… weird. Must be a coincidence… /s
I’ve done goat yoga a few times. Sometimes, it’s very pastoral and peaceful and they just kind of graze and create ambiance. Other times, they give everyone a bag of goat treats and release a few dozen kids to roam around and it’s total chaos and fun for every living thing involved - the goats very clearly enjoy it. Both have their place.
Side note, FWIW, having a baby goat on my shoulders is the only way me to successfully hold crow pose. They automatically move around to balance things out.
Not sure about capybaras, but as for goat yoga: have you ever tried to get a goat to do something it doesn’t want to do? It’s not really how goats work.
A former girlfriend up in Bakersfield kept goats – about eight of them. (She grew up with farm animals.) Whenever I went outside to great them out back, they’d crowd around me for scritches. Lots of gentle jostling for the scritches.
I stayed on a natural pig farm one summer, but the piglets would only want to sit in your lap like puppies would.
Ohmygosh! The video was so much better than I expected! I thought it would be in a studio, but doing it out in the field where the capybaras can roam around and visit if they want to and get in their water is so much better, and so cute! When the one jumps over the woman in prone position? Adorable.
@anon61221983 - if you go we expect a full report if you can even get in. If they were sold out before the news story, they’re going to be blowing up now.
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