These creepy vintage Halloween photos are scarier than anything you'll see tonight

Originally published at: These creepy vintage Halloween photos are scarier than anything you'll see tonight | Boing Boing

Ossian Brown was a member of the dark, magical electronic music group Coil and is currently in Cyclobe, a duo with his partner Stephen Thrower. Here is his exquisite collection of antique Halloween photos, dating between 1875 and 1955, as collected in Haunted Air, with remarks from David Lynch and Geoff Cox.


black-n-white is scarier than color (ask any ‘ops’ political consultant). old is scarier than new (ask my L4/5 lumbar region). children are scarier than adults (as any horror writer, or parent). old black and white photos of childrens: creeptastical.


Mark: You know, I take pictures, photographs, but I never really thought in black and white before I saw our rushes. Do you know what I mean? You can see the shape of things.

Joe: Life is in colour, but black and white is more realistic.

The State of Things, 1982

And “Joe” is played by Samuel Fuller.

Also helps to use very “vintage” film that is developed using potato juice


I find one creepy, but I mostly find them wholesome and amusing. Today they would be examples of makers doing their best with the materials at hand.

It seems that Squid Game is a century-old tradition

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