Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/05/these-nine-companies-are-snapp.html
I happen to know for a fact there is a major privately held company in the US who works closely with 3 of these companies. In all 3 cases this company said “No thanks, we will build our own AI internally”.
Point blank, they do not trust the vested interests of these companies.
Interesting that IBM is not on the list. They’ve been pushing Watson and AI as IBM’s next big thing. But, I don’t see how they can compete with these companies and the talent pool they’ve built.
AI has been a joke for at least twenty years, but it’s been getting funnier lately.
Nine is actually pretty good for ownership diversity in tech circles, no?
IBM is a joke now. The only way they could retain any top talent over any of these companies would be for people who really want to stay in the northeast.
Even in the not too distant pass, they had a whole lot of accumulated expertise in a variety of fields, but it’s been getting the MBA makeover and they’ve been getting rid of all that as fast as they can.
Are we in the beginning of a AI bubble ? Something similar to the dot-com bubble of the late 90’s ?
I’m waiting for the big reveal that Siri is actually a warehouse full of minimum wage workers on an industrial estate outside Des Moines.
AI startups are fine, but what they really want is to be sitting on a portfolio of key patents.
Evi Technologies… did anyone else read that as “Evil Technologies”?
But no worries, money will be made.
…looking up answers on google.
I thought that was Bing’s trick XD
Oh well, that’s it then, game over, man, game over!
Well, England has the chance to win their second star. The first legitimate one. Which is nice.
Ooh, the burn!
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