They're making a movie called "Karen" and it's exactly what you're thinking

Yeah, so much so that it was hard to find a comic that mentioned it because all of the search results were about his infamous takedown on the Boondocks cartoon. There was an early run in which he just went after them week after week for a good few months. I love Huey’s no bullshit evisceration which I’m sure is how McGruder wishes he was as a kid (or maybe he was?).


I have a really good freind who’s also a Facebook freind, her name is Karen. Problem is, she’s in her mid 70s and not very hip to the meme things. There are a lot of fun “Karen” things that I would like to share but I’m always afraid she might misunderstand and think I’m tagging her.

Next time I see her in person I’m going to ask if she knows what the whole “Karen” thing is about.

And… this movie looks like a train wreck that I would have to watch.

She’s a fabulous actress; I bet she’s utterly terrifying in that role.


There will only ever be one true TV Karen for me:


I wouldn’t put it past them to peddle one version for BET and one for Lifetime :wink:


The ultimate.

Ironically, she’s THE Karen, not ‘A Karen’, despite her name; for the simple fact that Karen Walker was far too self absorbed (and often too drunk) to care about what anyone else was doing… let alone did she care enough to stoop to calling the police on anyone as a way of flexing her power.


At no time until now — in the entire history of movie-making — has an actor been given so much source material to work from. Never.

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Their scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.


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