Thieves saw through bike-racks, cover the cuts with tape, wait for bikes to be locked to them


Explanation #6: A cyclist annoyed some workmen who were fixing streetlights.


Someone who was strong enough to lift the bike up to the top of a ladder and slide it down a light post.

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Whelp. Time to start locking bikes to natural gas meter pipes.

Itā€™s only a matter of time until the thieves try the same trick.


Yup, clearly the weapon of choice here on a Kryptonite NY Lock in a busy PATH train station plaza. Thankfully not my bike, I ride a ā€œno tearsā€ cheap city beater.

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It occurs to me that you could very easily get away with using an angle grinder in a public place simply by wearing a fluorescent safety vest and a toolbelt. Fake laminated ID badge a plus, doesnā€™t even have to be a match to the real thing as long as thereā€™s something thereā€¦


There was a hysterical video a while back where guys proved you could stand there doing anything to a locked bike in NYC as long as you were white. The black guy eventually got attention, but it took a while.


The unicorn origami in the last scene was from a foil chewing gum wrapper. Rectangular?

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Sad. Not hysterical at all.

Bike thieves, man. They should be publicly hung, drawn and quartered or even better, burnt at the stake.

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Over time it could be a lot of bikes. You could get a couple of bikes a day for weeks, until the rack gets fixed.

Plus you get to choose your time for cutting the rack when itā€™s not observed - cut the rack outside a lecture theatre at three on a Tuesday morning when the thereā€™s no one around, and you can come back and grab a bike during every night class for a good while.

Wonder where you lock the ladder up, though.

It worked for the Ghostbusters ā€¦

Wrong movie.

Fill them full of high-pressure purple dye?

Except it would probably be corrosive, and spray out randomly within a week.

Looks like thatā€™ll lift right of f the top.

My geocaching ā€œurban camouflageā€ is nothing more than carrying a clipboard. Iā€™ve cached along some fairly busy sidewalks while ā€œtaking readings and checking my notesā€ without ever having anyone stop me to ask what Iā€™m doing, even when poking around infrastructure items.


Evil, but genius.

(really late comment here)
Seems like the perfect place for the police to put a bait bike.

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