Things that make you happy

I very much appreciate the efforts to bring happiness to the top, so to speak. All respects to the statement of @popobawa4u, habit is something. I feel myself going through the stages of grief, but also see it as a catharsis and a calling. My happiness is that I don’t know what good I will do, but so long as my will persists to seek love I might yet do some.

Music and dance make me more happy than any other thing I can think of. Transformative, transportative, present futuristic performance of real transcendence, a dancer embodies being. Any dancer of any skill level can convey this joy. Music drives this innate revolution against authoritarianism. This is my truth and freedom and my power to wish you find yours even if i don’t like it.

It would also make me happy if you would take the time to listen to the words of Alonzo King and witness the power of the Lines Ballet.