Things to add to your building lobby's CCTV warning

It didn’t rankle me, it just seemed like you didn’t get the joke, which at first I thought must have been “I looked at the picture, got confused, stopped reading, and posted this” (hence “RTFA”). Then I thought “gosh, maybe he didn’t get it was a joke? Or didn’t think it was funny?”

That you were making a joke never occurred to me.

Even now that you’ve said it was a joke… I’m not getting it.

That’s because I’m having an off-day and am not posting very much today.

If I was truly on fleek I’d have had 6 responses that would have included no less than 3 animated gifs, several external links, computer-assisted poetry, sound-files, obscure meme-references, xreferences to other posts, an update to the BINGO thread, and created 2 new “games” in an attempt to grapple with your comment.

But for that I’d need more coffee.



Also, I’d dedicate October to THEY LIVE messages


مرحبا أمي!


(Jealous that you obvs have a grasp of Arabic that I don’t.)

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Don’t be jealous - it was Google Translate to the rescue! :wink:


مرحبا الأب!
مرحبا اختي
أخ صغير - رضيع

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I was hoping it was going to be lyrics to “Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Open circuit cameras still unpowered

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And they can’t figure out who is doing it? Some security system.

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