This armed security camera uses AI to fire paintballs or tear gas at trespassers

I’m torn between making a “Modest Proposal Joke” a Simpsons Homer’s bear suit joke (either the anti-bear suit OR the panda suit).


YARN | You now have 15 seconds to comply. | RoboCop (1987) | Video gifs by quotes | 0c3e077f | 紗


Paint balls . . . pepper balls . . . tear gas balls . . .acid balls . . . explosive balls . . . balls of supersonic lead, ultimately some sociopath is going to figure out they can hook a gun up to this thing and start killing people. Not around their own home, of course, they could get in trouble for that, but at a planned protest site, or a political rally, or at some other gathering of the hated other.

(I wish I was joking about tear gas, acid, and explosive paintballs. I thought I was, but turns out they’re all out there, either for sale or with handy videos explaining how to make them.)


A producer/director I did some work for said “Every American movie has guns.” He is Canadian and wanted to succeed in North America so… his then current movie had lots of guns.


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