Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/20/this-cant-doesnt-exist-eit.html
Deep dreaming nightmare
Welp, my day is ruined.
Until you click the link it doesn’t doesn’t exist.
Deepcat conspurracies incoming…
Still not sure what people find frightening or disturbing about this. It does a pretty good job in most cases and the screw ups are mostly entertaining (like the face in the tail of the OP).
For one, there is the one I posted just above… that looks like a surrealist painting…
And I think there is just enough wrong with the pictures to be off-putting to the viewer.
The regular kitten isn’t particularly disturbing. What’s disturbing is the deflated kitten/furby-from-hell looking thing to the lower left of the regular kitten. If that thing is attached to the kitten’s tail, then regular kitten is disturbing too.
A lot of the faces from the “this person does not exist” site are not quite so awful - odd, perhaps, but might pass for okay on the street. The animal photos look like what might have come out of the machine with Jeff Goldblum if the movie had been “The Cat.” Creepy.
We need a remake… stat…
I just found that amusing.
Eat your heart out, Dr. Schrödinger.
These are disturbing. Is that some kind of human-cat hybrid?
TIL that there is a deleted scene that is known as monkey-cat. Goldblum-fly put a babboon and a cat in the machine, with predictably awful results. The test audiences didn’t like it so much:
(also, would watch that movie…)
Until measured/observed the cat is both real and imaginary. Schrodinger’s Uncanny Valley if you will.
I always wondered why his cat made no noise after he shoved it in the box…
We also know nothing about the eponymous Doctor, unlike Pavlov, who had lovely hair. Because it was very well conditioned.