This consumer-grade flamethrowing robot dog is finally available for sale

Those things are a disaster waiting to happen, so if a neighbor had one, I’d mount a pre-emptive strike and take it out.

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It will be morbidly interesting to see if he feels compelled to respond. He already released a flamethrower for the attention; but his was one of the for-weed-control-and-risk-sensitive-special-effects overgrown crème brûlée torch propane units; while this is (on the low end of, but still similar in kind) to the proper projected liquid fuel ones.

It’s their weakest model(shortest range and doesn’t advertise “napalm compatible”, sad); but it is an actual flamethrower. Quite possible that he’s lost interest by now, what with all the important twitter leadership and getting paid $40 billion for lousy results at tesla to focus on; but I could see him doing something petulant and impulsive if the fact that someone else has a better attention-getting flamethrower gets rubbed in his face.

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I have this one neighbor…

i was just pondering if we’ll be able to find one at burning man this year. seems more likely than not.

You’ll be able to get the reusable flame thrower version at a steep discount, but the fire extinguisher version will be at a premium price and only good for single use.

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Call it a hunch, I don’t think finding one is going to be all that likely. Five or ten of them, maybe.


you make a good point.

They actually mention that on their website and include the disclaimer that it is up to the buyer to determine if there are local regulations about such things. I actually went through quite a bit of the site just looking for the “satire” reveal somewhere, but I could not find one. I hope that I’ve just missed it as I don’t want to believe this is actually available to purchase.

The two listed available models of flamethrowers were both listed as being on “back order,” so I thought perhaps this was the indicator of it being a joke and they were never out of that state. :woman_shrugging:

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They have form on this sort of thing:

It’s blast is worse than its bark.:fire:

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