This cool new guitar pedal literally doesn't do anything, and it costs a hundred bucks

Originally published at: This cool new guitar pedal literally doesn't do anything, and it costs a hundred bucks | Boing Boing

Late-stage capitalism in decline?

It’s one louder.


The packaging seems perfectly clear about what it does. Not at all fuzzy.


like this $25,000 Han-Solo-In-Carbonite Guitar.

!!! Should have lead with this one!

I’m sure there will be some audiophile musicians who’ll pick it up and insist it does indeed add to the fidelity and warmth of the output of their amp (connected with a special $1000 gold-plated cable, naturally.)


That’s sort of refreshing.


You say it does literally nothing? We have a few questions to ask of it…


I like the line “It two years to develop” yet is does nothing… kinda like an elected official!

But, Is it Brian Molko approved?

I think that pedal could come home if does have some teenage angst. could it be tilted by 36 degrees?
I know these are silly jokes.

Have been doing the ‘placebo mix’ for finicky musicians foldback that play too loud on stage and ruin every bodies experience/ears!
“you want more 4K?.. is that enough?.. ok I’ve scooped out the lower mids, too much?”
They’re happy, I’m happy, everyone is happy because I didn’t do anything.

The cable has to have directional arrows marked on it, obviously. :wink:

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