Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/31/this-couple-turned-reclaimed-m.html
Genius! A truly wonderful thing!
Hopefully, they built it big enough that their friends could all be aboard… And in an area where many more of them could live next door.
[quote=“thekaz, post:3, topic:179197”]
they built it big enigma that
Big enough? That’s some weird mistyping/spellchecking combination, there. One could almost say IT is an enigma.
(Struck through as original error fixed.)
But they do certainly seem to be living a life of ease.
Doh. Fixed, thx
Bryce. His name is Bryce, not Boyce. He finds some cool tiny houses, but this is the best one yet!
That is sheer delight! Thank you for sharing this with us! Thank you!
never yet have I been more thankful for the new tap-right-to-skip-ten-seconds feature on YouTube. saw everything in about two minutes. cool build!
Great idea! From an insurance standpoint, how would this be insured? Homeowners or Marine Policy?
Would flood insurance would be superfluous?
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