This guy is a great guitarist. And he has no hands

[Read the post]

I remember noting when my daughter was born that her toes were much more dextrous than either of ours. The midwife explained that we’re actually born with that dexterity and lose it over time as we don’t use it and favour our feet for other purposes.

That was very well done. Not dragging out the point, and getting a very good feel for the man himself.

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Just saw a similar artist in person the other day. I think he plays piano, too.
More info here:

Obviously that’s amazing. And he seems pretty awesome as a person (though the teenage daughter (?) in the back of the car is pretty amazingly… teenage-ish?)

And I also want to point out that the guitar holder he’s using in his living room is made from Unistrut. What can’t you make out of that stuff?!

He also plays lefty, which is pretty rare among foot-playing guitarists [citation needed].


I’ve seen that guy perform in Balboa Park! He’s awesome!

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